Tuesday, March 27, 2012

“Kind of like Kleenex / Thermotron Marketing Manager David

But Thermotron Marketing Manager David jaw-ski says the company’s brand name remains a substitute for a testing devices.

Just like office workers used to say, “Xerox” when they meant, “copy machine,” people say Thermotron when they want a testing chamber.

“Kind of like Kleenex, people say, ‘We need a test chamber; we need a Thermotron.’”
Thermotron will celebrate its 50-year anniversary April 1.

Thermotron “Even in the downturn, we still generated a profit.”

“It was like everyone was coming out of the (economic) downturn,” he said. “Even in the downturn, we still generated a profit.”

Because we are the most expensive unit around.

The company manufactures and sells sealed, environment-controlled chambers that are used for testing products, especially electronics. The chambers allows clients to see how their products hold up under different environments, including different altitudes, humidities, vibrations and temperatures. Most Thermotron chambers can test products from minus-70 degrees Celsius to 180 degrees Celsius, Kujawski said.

The company also manufactures devices that generate a vibration. Clients use the devices to simulate how electronics handle regular wear-and-tear, like from a running car.

“Things have to be tested for all kinds of environmental stress,” Kujawski said.

The devices are used by manufacturers in the defense, automotive and consumer electronics sectors, he said.

The Biggest problem in the early days of Thermotron

In the early days of Thermotron the biggest problem was getting the customer to go to lunch with you , so you could get him happy and drunk and find out how much budget they "really -had-2 spend"

Yes in-deed it was a really -fun-job !!!

problems like this were unknown at thermotron

OPTI 447,

Spring 2012 Problem Sets 5 Prof. Ewan M.Wright

Due: Beginning of class, Wednesday 2/29/12 (21 points)

1. This problem examines the formula for the optical properties of a gas of Rubidium atoms
according to the Lorentz oscillator model
N2(!) = 1 +ÃNe2m²0!1(!20 ¡ !2 ¡ i°!) ; (1)

where N is the density of atoms, e and m are the charge and mass of the electron, !0 is the transition or resonant frequency, and ° the linewidth of the transition.

Consider the case of Rubidium vapor which has a resonance at frequency !

0 = 2:4 £ 1015 rad s¡1 with linewidth ° = 36 £ 106 rad s¡1, and

assume an atomic density N = 1016 m¡3.

(a - 1pt) Consider a plane-wave propagating along the z-axis E(z) = E(0)ei( !

c )N(!)z. Show by substi-tuting N(!) = n(!) + i·(!) into this plane-wave that the ¯eld intensity evolves according to Beer's law I(z) = I(0)e¡®(!)z with absorption coe±cient ®(!) = 2!·(!)c .

Thus, we see that the extinction index ·(!) is related to absorption due to the medium described by the Lorentz oscillator model.

(b - 1pt) Following on from part (a) show that the ¯eld evolves as E(z) = E(0)eiÁ(z)e¡®(!)z=2, where the phase-shift accumulated over the distance z is given by Á(z) = (!c )n(!)z. Thus, we see that n(!)is related to the phase-shift accumulated by the propagating ¯eld.

(c - 3pts) Write a Matlab code to plot the refractive-index di®erence (n(!) ¡ 1) and the absorp-tion ®(!) both as functions of scaled frequency detuning ­ = (! ¡ !0)=° for ¡5 < ­ < 5. Note that = 0 corresponds to resonance ! = !0, and, for example, ­ = 2 corresponds to a frequency detuning
of two linewidths ! = !0 + 2°.

Please attach a copy of your code along with your plots.

(d - 2pts) Your plot of the absorption ®(!) from part (c) should be largest at resonance ­ = 0 or ! = !0. Based on your plot from part (c) show that the full-width at half-maximum ¢! of the absorption curve is ¢! = °, and this is the origin of the name linewidth for °. Thus, absorp-tion is most relevant at resonance but becomes negligible far from resonance j­j >> 1 or j!¡!0j >> °.(e - 2pts) Based on your plot from part (c) demonstrate that the refractive-index n(!) displays anomalous dispersion over the spectral region (!0 ¡ °=2) < ! < (!0 + °=2) around resonance, and
normal dispersion for all other detunings. Thus, for large detunings j­j >> 1 the refractive-index displays normal dispersion as we discussed in class.
(f - 2pts) As for the example of Rubidium vapor above, it is often the case that the linewidth °is much smaller than the optical and transition frequencies !; !0 >> °, with ! ¼ !0 of comparable size.

Assuming this to be the case prove that far o® resonance j(! ¡ !0)j >> °, or j­j >> 1, the complex refractive-index is real to a very good approximation given by
n2(!) ¼ 1 +Ã Ne2 m²0!1(!20 ¡ !2) :

This form for the refractive-index is valid o®-resonance in the normal dispersion region. (Hint:To do this problem you will want to show that under the conditions stated (!20 ¡ !2 ¡ i°!) ¼(!0 + !)[(!0 ¡ !) ¡ i°=2] and proceed from there.)

So far our treatment of optical dispersion in class has tacitly dealt with dilute media for which the density N is relatively low, eg. atomic gases. For a single Lorentz oscillator a more general expression for the complex refractive-index valid for dense media is (see p. 71 of Hecht for a discussion)
(N2(!) ¡ 1)(N2(!) + 2)=ÃNe23²0m!1(!20 ¡ !2 ¡ i°!) ; (2)with N(!) = (n(!) + i·(!)).

Note that for zero density N = 0 the right-hand-side is zero and the
solution is N(!) = n(!) = 1 as expected physically.
(a - 2pts) A dilute medium is de¯ned by the fact that the density N is low enough that the magnitude
of the right-hand-side of Eq. (2) is small compared to unity. Show that for a dilute medium the general result in Eq. (2) may be safely approximated by the result obtained in class

You should plot these both on the same ¯gure and clearly distinguish them.

Please include your code with your solution.

thermotron where every-1 started!!

Conrad sold the company in 1980 and went on to save the S.S. Badger car ferry from a rusty death in the 1990s.

Today, the company employs about 400 people at two Holland facilities, at Brooks Avenue and Kollen Park Drive.

At thermotron in the years 1975 - 1979+ if you could pronounce the name that was reason enough to hire you!!

Only a high school or GED was required to be employed as a "anything" !