Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Thermotron “Even in the downturn, we still generated a profit.”

“It was like everyone was coming out of the (economic) downturn,” he said. “Even in the downturn, we still generated a profit.”

Because we are the most expensive unit around.

The company manufactures and sells sealed, environment-controlled chambers that are used for testing products, especially electronics. The chambers allows clients to see how their products hold up under different environments, including different altitudes, humidities, vibrations and temperatures. Most Thermotron chambers can test products from minus-70 degrees Celsius to 180 degrees Celsius, Kujawski said.

The company also manufactures devices that generate a vibration. Clients use the devices to simulate how electronics handle regular wear-and-tear, like from a running car.

“Things have to be tested for all kinds of environmental stress,” Kujawski said.

The devices are used by manufacturers in the defense, automotive and consumer electronics sectors, he said.

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