Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thermotron Pay is a bit below industry standards but so are the people they hire,

The top management is ridiculously incompetent

Decent place to learn and grow.

Extremely incompetent management, great career potential and to learn the trade but once you reach a certain point, the learning stops since you are surrounded by fools and it is the blind leading the blind.

Pay is a bit below industry standards but so are the people they hire, so one could say that it is justified.

Overall, satisfied but you must move on when it's time to move on. Learn, contribute and then move on to greener pastures.

The top management is ridiculously incompetent, the middle management is frustrated though probably more competent and the rest make up the numbers, including yours truly.

knee jerk company the processes followed are shocking to say the least with no eye towards customer satisfaction..

but then again, this is a crib with the services industry and is definitely not going to change any opinions.

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